Transforming Negative Self-Talk: Why Your Inner Critic Is Really Just Trying to Help
We’ve all dealt with negative self-talk. That little voice that tells you, “You’re not good enough,” “You’ll fail,” or “You’re not doing enough.” While it may feel like your inner critic is against you, the truth is, it’s actually trying to protect you.
That voice is often a reflection of past experiences, usually formed during childhood or our younger years, and it’s trying to keep you safe. Instead of shaming yourself for having these thoughts, what if you started to see your inner critic as a well-meaning 7-year-old who just wants to help?
By recognizing your inner critic’s intention and thanking it for its service, you can regain control, letting adult-you take the driver’s seat.
Client Story: One of my clients, B, had an intense inner critic that kept him stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and negativity. Through our work together, he began seeing his inner critic as a protective part that needed to be reassured, not ignored. By building a newa relationship with that part, he transformed his self-talk and started stepping into his leadership role with newfound confidence.